2018 Blue Flag to 18 beaches in Campania with the new Sorrento and Hispani - Il Mio Napoli

2022-08-27 22:27:45 By : Mr. JD Zhao

B andiera Blu 2018: many beaches in Campania.With the recognition in Sorrento and Piano di Sorrento, in the province of Naples, and in Ispani, in the Salerno area, Campania rises to the podium of the first three regions with the highest number of "Blue Flag" beaches.The awarding of the awards took place in Rome: Campania went from 15 beaches in 2017 (when it held the primacy among the regions of Southern Italy) to 18 in 2018. In the ranking it is behind only Liguria with 27 locations and Tuscany with 19.It should be noted that in the list of 18 Campania localities there is not even a beach in the province of Caserta, which also includes a sandy coast not affected by important erosive phenomena.A coastline that stretches for tens and tens of kilometers from Ischitella (the town that marks the border with the province of Naples) to the mouth of the Garigliano river.The criteria for awarding blue flags are very strict.At the head is the absolute validity of bathing waters, according to more restrictive rules than those provided for by the national legislation on bathing.The efficiency of waste water purification is therefore evaluated, as well as the goals achieved in the separate collection of waste and the management of hazardous waste.Then there is public green, provision of services, presence of cycle paths and pedestrian areas.“With 18 blue flags - three more than last year - Campania is confirmed in 2018 as the first region of the South, and the third in Italy, for beaches and clean sea.Piano di Sorrento, Sorrento and Ispani are the new Campania municipalities included in the prestigious ranking of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) ”, states a note from the Region.This is the comment of the governor De Luca: “The 18 blue flags to Campania reward the sustainability choices undertaken by the regional administration and the municipalities.They, responding to the requirements for international assignment, guarantee the quality of the sea and the services provided while respecting the environment ".The assignment of the 18 Blue Flags to Campania "is a positive result, this means that the purification process is working", explains the president of Legambiente Campania, Michele Buonomo."We must ensure that this important signal for our region - adds Buonomo - becomes stable and can grow year by year".Your email address will not be published.Required fields are marked *I give my consent for a cookie to save my data (name, email, website) for the next comment.Subscribe to our newsletter to get our newest articles instantly!© 2022 My Naples.All Rights Reserved.Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss our latest news, podcasts etc ..Sign in to your accountUsername or email address